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Features of ERP Sampann

Our ERP provide you best feature to digital your Logistics business online

Digital Docket Creation

Simplify your paperwork with ERP Sampann's Digital Docket Creation. Easily create, manage, and store all your documents digitally, making your workflow smoother and saving you time.

Simplifies paperwork process

Stores documents digitally

Saves time and effort

Shipment Tracking

Stay updated on your shipments with ERP Sampann's Shipment Tracking. Keep track of your goods from pickup to delivery, ensuring smooth operations throughout.

Provides real-time updates

Offers continuous monitoring

Ensures smooth operations

Export Detail Excel Report

Unlock valuable insights with ERP Sampann's Export Excel Report. Analyze your data easily, customize reports as needed, and integrate seamlessly with other tools for better decision-making.

Enables data analysis

Customizable report formats

Seamless integration with other tools

Upcoming feature

Some upcoming features are truly innovative, promising to automate many of your business tasks and streamline operations effectively.

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Customer Automation

Simplify and streamline customer interactions with automated processes, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction.

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Invoice Automation

Streamline your invoicing process and boost productivity with automated solutions, ensuring accuracy and efficiency

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Email Automation

Effortlessly manage communication workflows and enhance engagement through automated email processes, saving time and ensuring timely interactions

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FTL Automation

FTL Bookings with internal and market fleet. Recording Expense and Profits.

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Invoice Automation

Streamline your invoicing process and boost productivity with automated solutions, ensuring accuracy and efficiency

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Mobile App

Mobile app for basic tasks like attendance, trip management and Docket Booking.